Wim Meulders was called in as Product Manager a.i. in August 2014 to help Arval, the BNP Paribas subsidiary specialized in operational leasing, with their product development and go-to-market strategy. Since the Marketing & Communication Manager was sick for a long period Wim took over the marketing department as well as Marketing & Communication Manager a.i.
As Product Manager Wim succesfully launched new products and services like Arval Mid-Term Rental, Arval Drive Challenge and worked on different innovative mobility solutions like Arval Car Sharing in which he combined his experience in ICT and telematics with the car leasing needs.
As Marketing & Communication Manager he was in charge of the communication department with 3 FTE’s. Wim moved Arval BNP Paribas Belgium into the digital age by working out and launching a very succesfull road safety social media campaign in Flanders and Wallonia which resulted in over 8000 likes on Facebook and an increase in followers of more than 300%. Next to going social Wim also developped the customer experience journey map “Leasing in 300 steps” and supervised the SatMetrix NPS survey. He introduced a new Marketing Automation tool allowing the team to effectively send out e-mailings, follow up on click thourgh and measure conversion rates. Wim brought also the traditional marketing up to speed by delivering monthly a press release (example in Dutch and French), regulary appearing in trade magazines, developping flyers for the new SME division, organizing events, etc.
After restructuring the marketing department and hiring a Digital Marketer and a Product Manager, he left Arval in July 2015 with a marketing department ready for the future.