Interim MarCom Management
Is your corporate Marketing & Communications VP, Director or Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) temporarily not available and need to be replaced for some time?
We help you by bringing in a senior seasoned interim manager for a short (3 months), mid-term (3-9 months) or long term (9-18 months) period. Read further
Case: BNP Paribas Arval
Growth Marketing
Wil je als eigenaar of commercieel verantwoordelijke van een KMO extra omzet en groei binnen je bedrijf?
Daar zorgt onze online groeiconsultant voor ! Na een grondige analyse van je website zorgen we voor een strategisch en praktisch Plan van Aanpak waardoor de leads binnenstromen en de conversie naar nieuwe klanten verhoogt.
Freelance Growth Marketing zorgt voor de online specialisten die je nodig hebt om snel te groeien in omzet en marge. Lees hier verder
Case: TTS (in Dutch)
Launching your business in Europe
Are you looking for a partner to bring your company and products to Europe to expand your business into the EU? Wether you are a based outside Europe or based in Belgium we can help you to conquer the EU, the largest economy in the world with a GDP per head of €25.000
We help you to get started and create a foothold for your further business. Read further
Case: TCL
Product Innovatie
Een bedrijf dat geen nieuwe producten toevoegt, sterft uit. Volgens sommige onderzoeken moeten nieuwe producten zelfs 30% van je omzet uitmaken. Heb je moeite om nieuwe producten te ontwikkelen of te lanceren?
Daar helpen we graag bij. New Product Development (NPD), Go-To-Market en alle andere aspecten van de product life cycle kennen geen geheimen voor onze Product Marketing specialist Lees hier verder
Case: ZapFi
Training & coaching
You know there is a direct link between the emotional intelligence (EQ) of your people & company and the sales results? You want to get rid of your dull presentations? You want to improve your public speaking or presentation skills? Or the skills of your sales people?
We train and coach people on non-verbal communication with an immediate and proven effect on the global EQ of your company and a tremendous impact on its performance. Read further (in Dutch)
Case: Inovant (in Dutch)
Key note speaker
You are a producer, organiser at a club, event organiser and you want a smart and humoristic guest speaker? A commentator which is a thought leader and expert in body language, non-verbal communication and marketing?
We entertain your audience with a informative business talk. A no nonsens, evidence based expert advice on body language, (nonverbal) communication and/or marketing in Dutch, French or English.
Case in French: PokerStars on RTL-TVI